Rising Above the Skin-Deep: Being “Hot” vs. Being Beautiful

by Anh Nguyen & Rosanna Noelle

We women are bombarded with messages from the media that chip away at or shamelessly tear down our inherent dignity as women. These messages deduce multi-layered feminine beauty to “hotness” and how perfect measurements are.

For instance, a few years ago, a certain radio hit by Akon and David Guetta sang: “I’m tryin’ a find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful… Damn, you’s a sexy b****.”The song insinuates that this term is a “respectful” compliment– because her true worth just comes from her body, anyway. [Note: sarcasm.] With messages like this so rampant in pop culture today, it is no wonder that women have come to obsess over their bodies and their self image!

If one were to eavesdrop on us at the gym, in the dressing room, or while getting ready to go out, it would be apparent that our conversations commonly revolve around exercise regimens, the latest diet fads, and “Why am I so [insert irrational, self-deprecating statement about appearance here]?

We also spew out such comments at the dinner table or when we glance at ourselves in any reflective surface. And it does not take too long for these thoughts to become the norm. But let’s stop ourselves for just a second. Is this how we want to evaluate our self worth?

When we subconsciously feed into the skewed mentality that measurements and image translate into self worth, we blind ourselves to the fact that what shines most brilliantly in us is our virtue and who we are as unique persons! In the core of our hearts, we women intuitively know that we were created to be honored and to be cherished not only for our looks, but moreover for our captivating souls.

An intense conflict thus arises within. We attempt the impossible: we try to reconcile our innate desire to be cherished for who we are with society’s unrealistic demands about what we should look like. And society wants us to look perfect. Heck, H&M even started using computer generated bodies for their ad campaign [caveat: immodest images]. Talk about unattainable!

However, truly beautiful women do not see “imperfection”: they see uniqueness. They emanate an aura that, sans any words at all, assertively states: “I am an original, not a carbon copy. I have something irreplaceable to give to this world: myself! And I respect myself.”

Rosanna in a blue polka dot dress (H&M).

The desire to be acknowledged as irreplaceable is echoed through out the media, from Rhianna’s “Only Girl” song to the Victoria’s Secret “Tell Me You Love Me” commercial [caveat: very immodestly dressed women]. The only problem is that the world twists our mentality to make us believe that our capacity to get noticed as individuals in the world is (ironically) solely based on how close we come to looking like photoshopped, airbrushed models.

This humorous video really says it all [caveat: more very immodestly dressed women]:

Truly beautiful women do their best to stay physically fit and to look pleasantly presentable, but they feel no overbearing compulsion to have the “perfect” body and look, for they are confident that their true worth comes from within.

Ladies, we are not just hot bodies and pretty faces. A toned stomach, perfect skin, and luscious lips can only go so far. After all, “superficials” are, by definition, merely skin-deep.

Growing in virtue, on the other hand, has no limit! Being confident in who we are as individuals truly captivates. With our unique personalities, talents, and gifts, why let self-centered obsession stop us from joyfully living and giving life to others?

In order to be truly beautiful, let us consider a makeover of our inner selves, so that our feminine mystery can come to life and we can feel more fully alive!

like so! hehe. Anh with friend Rosemarie

What are insecurities you find yourself obsessing about? How do you overcome them?


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2 responses to “Rising Above the Skin-Deep: Being “Hot” vs. Being Beautiful

  1. Pingback: “Is That What You’re Wearing?” | modthirtyone

  2. Pingback: Rising Above the Skin-Deep: Being “Hot” vs. Being Beautiful | Catholic Twenty-Something

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