Tag Archives: 30 day dress dare

The 30 Day Dress Dare

by guest blogger Rosanna Noelle

Last year, I attempted one month of wearing only dresses and skirts. I jumped on this challenge with my friends on the “Defining Beauty” blog, who proposed a “30 Day Dress Dare.” Our mission? To dress femininely during May, the traditional month of Mother Mary, in honor of her beautiful reflection of God.

According to my Catholic faith, Mary is Our Mother Most Pure. Therefore, I wore only modest dresses, skirts, and tops during her month. Tucking away parts of my wardrobe was difficult at first. Finding cute leggings for cold days was annoying, too. But it was all worth it, for my view on my sexuality changed in a revolutionary way!

The one word that encapsulated this entire fashion experiment?  Grace. I learned that being a genuine woman meant being “full of grace”—just like Mother Mary! Wearing modest dresses and skirts day in and day out made me feel more graceful on the outside. And on the inside, I was transformed!

My dresses and skirts donned draped gracefully over my curves, and the way that they contoured my body made a striking difference in how I carried myself. I found myself walking more rhythmically and softly, with a slight sway of the hips.

Dressing more modestly as well, I found myself feeling like I had something far too beautiful to reveal for a five-second stare-down: I had the gift of femininity! I gained a confident elegance in the way that I dressed and walked, and this elegance soon translated to my interior life.

I found myself gentler and more receptive in my thoughts, words, and actions; they began to reflect the authentic womanhood that God was calling me to express. I became more patient, less apt to lose my cool when upset, and even a better listener. With this genuine femininity, I felt empowered! The Dress Dare taught me that the outer appearance  of a woman is meant to reflect her inner dignity, not meant to be lusted after.

After the Dress Dare, I discovered this liberating truth: contrary to being “hot,” which is what today’s media and fashion world try to pitch at women, it is being full of grace that makes a beautiful, empowered, dignified woman.

I loved the 30 Day Dress Dare so much that I extended the challenge to over a year and now wear mostly dresses and skirts! However, I believe that tasteful modesty can be created with a variety of clothing that reflects the unique style and personality of every woman.

I have the power to reflect my inherent dignity and beauty as a woman in the way that I dress. My body is a sacred mystery. In covering myself modestly, I actually reveal the gift of my inherently beautiful femininity to the world!


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