Tag Archives: audrey hepburn

A Quick Break with Audrey

Hello blogging world! Guess what time it is? Time for Holy Week! Which, for you non-Christians out there, is the week leading up to Easter. Hope y’all don’t mind, but I won’t be blogging outfit photos this week. This isn’t out of laziness, I assure you. But right now is a time that I want to take the focus off myself and put it into my faith and truly reflect on what I need to do in my life.

Instead of being inactive, this week I will leave you with quotes from some admirable women and fashion icons.

Great words of wisdom. True beauty comes from within; born out the knowledge that you are never alone. Never unwanted.


p.s. A quick thank you to Shana from ColorBlind for featuring my orange skirt post on her blog! Can’t wait for more thrifting adventures after Easter!

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