Tag Archives: mental-health

Doing Nothing and True Silence

A friend of mine recently pointed out that I don’t stop at stop signs. I argued that there was clearly a second’s pause before I take off again, if the coast is clear. Her definition of “stopping” means the car has to have a chance to settle before I take off again. My response? Who has the time for that??

Really, who has time to waste these days, in the hustle and bustle of work, projects, and various activities? In fact, I don’t think I know how to NOT multi-task anymore. At work I tend to have 5-10 windows and who knows how many tabs are open simultaneously, allowing me to jump from one task to the next, with a quick Facebook breather in between. I work through my lunches, text coworkers my latte order while driving (we are an office of caffeine addicts), call my friends and family while walking from one place to another, mentally going over my weekly schedule while at the gym, and omigosh when can I squeeze in that much needed haircut? You get the idea. Instead of being present at one event, I am already planning my next hour/day’s activities. Heck, I’m reading three different books right now and am not more than halfway through each one.

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